Set in the French Quarter of New Orleans during the restless years following the Second World War, “Streetcar” is essentially the story of Blanche DuBois, a fragile and neurotic woman on a desperate prowl for a place in the world to call her own.
After being exiled from her home town of Laurel, Mississippi, Blanche explains her unexpected appearance on her sister Stella’s doorstep as resulting from nervous exhaustion.
Stella’s husband Stanley Kowalski is suspicious of and antagonistic towards Blanche, while Stella’s loyalty is divided between them both.
But Stanley and Stella are deeply in love and Blanche’s efforts to impose herself between them only enrage the animal side of Stanley. And, as rumours of Blanche’s past begin to catch up with her, her circumstances become unbearable.
Director Dan Bain and the producers have assembled a cast of top local actors to play these challenging and iconic roles. We invite you to an evening of quality, affordable entertainment that promises to be an unforgettable experience and an opportunity to support Repertory and the Christchurch theatre community.