We have a good health & safety record at Repertory but we want to make sure that your experience as a cast, crew, front-of-house or audience member is as safe & enjoyable as possible.
This web page has been created to provide those who work on our productions with specific resources to inform you of the risks involved in working in all aspects of theatre, from auditions & rehearsals through to the final performance. As a community theatre organisation, we are required to identify & mitigate actual & potential risks & to maintain a risk register & record of all incidents involving health & safety issues. To that end, we ask you to report any existing but unresolved or newly-arisen hazards, incidents or near-misses to your stage manager or a designated health & safety officer, who in turn should report back to committee via the Repertory office.
The following links are to documents outlining safe practices relating to specific areas of work in the theatre. Please read thoroughly & keep a copy at hand of those that apply to you personally. This information has been sourced from ETNZ’s A Guide for Safe Working Practices in the New Zealand Entertainment Industry. We encourage you to familiarise yourselves with the entire contents of the guide, as it contains a lot more information than just the following sections of the guide that relate to most of the areas of activity in which you are likely to be engaged. (Please note that the information in the guide is generic to the entertainment industry & not all of it will be relevant to every situation you may encounter working at Repertory or any performance venue we may use).
- Working on the Stage
- Rigging & Flying Operations
- Working at Heights
- Fire Safety & Retardance
- Manual Handling
- Set Construction & Carpentry Operation
- Hazards Relating to Portable Tools
- Wardrobe
- Working in a Confined Space
- Lighting & Electrical
- Noise
- Dry Ice, Smoke Effects & Naked Flame
- Firearms & Weapons
- Front of House Responsibilities
- Productions Utilising the Engagement of Children
Before entering the theatre work environment, you are advised to run through this Theatre Health & Safety Check List to make sure all safety procedures are in place in order to ensure your own safety & that of others.
Thank you for your cooperation & please bear in mind that Health & Safety is a Joint Responsibility shared by us all. It is the responsibility of the Repertory committee not only to identify & record but also to respond & follow-up on all reported hazards, incidents & near-misses, & regularly to review Repertory’s health & safety policies & procedures in compliance with the Health & Safety Act 2015.
Harassment and bullying of any kind have no place at Canterbury Repertory Theatre. For clarification, please consult the following guidelines provided by Musical Theatre New Zealand (MTNZ): MTNZ-Anti-Harassment-and-Anti-Bullying-Guidelines-May-2019
The following links are to websites where you will find more Health & Safety information & resources: